Building Better Habits with Legal Project Management

Staying organized, fostering effective communication, and cultivating mindfulness are essential in legal project management. Lupl recently hosted a webinar, “Building Better Habits with LPM,” featuring three seasoned professionals: India Preston, Director of Platform Solutions at Lupl, Trisha Wright, Project Coordinator at DecisionQuest, and Ericka Davis, Legal Project Manager at EDP Renewables. Moderated by Lupl’s Marketing…

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Five Tips for Newly-Promoted Law Firm Partners

young man who is recently promoted

So, you polished up your business case, crunched the numbers on your financial projections, navigated all the interviews and assessments, and anxiously waited for news of the partnership promotion process. And…you did it! You’re now officially a law firm partner. So…now what? We asked law firm partners what the first year of partnership is really…

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Pros & Cons of Using Smartphones for Legal Work

Smartphones, for many legal professionals, are a blessing just as much as they are a nightmare for other legal professionals. Regardless of which side of the spectrum you land on, two things are pretty much certain: (1) smartphones are here to stay; and (2) no matter how much you may resist it, you will likely…

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