Why Lupl is All You Need for Legal Task Management

Did you know 48% of legal departments claim that improving processes and workflows is a top priority?1 And did you also know that task management is central to achieving faster, more effective workflows? After all, what is a workflow if not a series of tasks to be done? Good task management works because it: So…

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10 LPM Templates to Speed Up Client Delivery

As lawyers, legal project management is your bread and butter. It’s what you’re doing every day: gathering information, ticking off tasks, communicating with clients. And you’re not working on one matter at a time. You need to stay on top of multiple cases.  And because it’s so fundamental to your business, it’s easy to pass…

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Who’s doing what across my matters and how’s it going?

In the process of building our initial beta release, we’ve spent a lot of time listening to lawyers and industry professionals around the world. General counsel. Legal counsel. Legal ops. Partners. Associates. In fact, we didn’t put down a single line of code for the platform until we’d spent many months in listening mode. We…

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