News You Can Use – June 2024

Lupl's News You Can Use

Hello June! ☀️ As summer approaches, our team is fired up to put the finishing touches on some exciting new enhancements and integrations. In the meantime, this past month, we saw the release of even more improvements to our DMS integration and ways to organize workstream items. With GPT-4 now available for over a year,…

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News You Can Use – April 2024

Lupl's News You Can Use

Happy April! 🌷 It’s been quite a ride over here at Lupl, with lots happening behind the scenes. Our team’s been buzzing with excitement, making new connections, and rolling out updates that are shaking up the way lawyers work. As more firms align themselves with the internal adoption of AI, April finds us deep diving…

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News You Can Use – January 2024

Lupl's News You Can Use

That’s another year in the books. As we plan for 2024, it’s important first to look back. It was an exciting year for the team here at Lupl – we added several talented members, attended 15+ events worldwide, gave over 500 demos, and our users created thousands of new matters on the platform. We start…

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Unlocking Potential: How Lupl Facilitates Professional Development

Navigating the complex realm of legal matter management can be challenging, especially for new lawyers or junior associates who are just beginning their legal careers. The intricacies of cases, documents, and client interactions can quickly become overwhelming. Adding to the challenge, many junior lawyers often grapple with outdated technology or the absence of legal tech…

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10 Use Cases for Lupl Workstreams

Workstreams are an infinitely flexible way to plan, organize and deliver legal work. Here are 10 easy ways Workstreams can streamline your next matter beyond pure task management. Build and manage a budget Tired of building a budget and scope in Excel, Outlook or Word? Build and manage your scope, budget and assumptions with Lupl’s…

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Introducing the Next Generation of Lupl

Lupl unveils the biggest feature release to date

Lupl’s second-generation platform delivers a revolution in legal project management.  The new release is the result of 12 months of development.  Key enhancements included embedded AI, automation and highly flexible workflows to enable Lupl to be used by any lawyer on any type of legal matter.  Welcome to the next generation of Lupl!  12 months…

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Why Be a Lighthouse When You Can Be a Candle?

Why Be a Candle When You Can Be a Lighthouse LPM Webinar

Lupl recently hosted the “Illuminating the Path with LPM webinar, featuring a panel of experts from across the legal field. The panelists included Ericka Davis, Legal Project Manager at EDP Renewables, Trisha Wright, Project Coordinator at DecisionQuest, and India Preston, Director of Platforms Solutions at Lupl. Guiding this discussion was Kalina Leopold, Lupl’s Director of…

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Introducing Workstreams by Lupl

Lupl is a revolutionary way to plan, organize, and deliver your next matter

A revolutionary new way to plan, organize and deliver your next matter. In law, every practice area is different. An M&A transaction has little in common with litigation. Asset financing is markedly different from a data privacy matter.   But despite their differences, there are common threads. Most matters have (or should have!) a budget,…

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Revolutionizing Legal Project Management with Lupl

Revolutionizing Legal Project Management with Lupl

In a recent ILTA Product Briefing webinar, Ab Saraswat, Chief Revenue Officer at Lupl, and India Preston, Director of Platform Solutions at Lupl, discussed the transformative potential of Lupl for Legal Project Management (LPM). Here are five key takeaways from their enlightening conversation. The Current State of Legal Project Management Ab kicked off the webinar…

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How Lupl Enables Efficient Matter Management

Streamlining Legal Work

LexMundi hosts frequent meetings for their member firms to keep them abreast of leading legal technologies and how they might impact the delivery of legal service. Lupl was invited to deliver a session to the LexMundi member firms on the benefits of legal project management, enabling effective delivery of legal service and improving the client…

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