
4 minute read

What Lupl Can Do to Improve Legal Knowledge Management

Kalina Leopold

Kalina Leopold

Two men in business meeting
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    Did you know that only 14% of law firms believe that technology is driving efficiency and productivity to its full potential? Or that law firms currently invest just 1% of revenue on innovation projects?1 2

    It’s no surprise, considering the challenges of implementing new tech in an industry that is known for being slow to adopt innovative tools. Law firms tend to stick to their tried-and-true methods – despite the need to demonstrate a tangible return on investment (ROI), maintaining the status quo is far less risky than taking a chance on new tech.

    But here’s the burning question: are premium solutions really worth it for legal knowledge management when free tools like Google Suite exist?

    In this article, we’re going to show you how Lupl can bring your legal knowledge management out of the dark ages.

    Suggested reading: If you want to learn more about the challenges and how law firms can embrace digital transformation, check out Is Successful Digital Transformation in The Legal Industry Even Possible?

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    Easy to Adopt

    Busy lawyers have a million things on their plate, and the last thing they need is yet another new technology solution that is so complex it disrupts their workflow.

    We understand that lawyers are busy professionals who struggle to find time to learn new ways of working or adapt to additional communication channels. But firms must embrace new technologies if they want to remain competitive and thrive in the digital age. 

    In a recent PwC report, 80% of law firms recognize that having a clear digital strategy is crucial for future success, but only 23% say that they have one in place.3 

    So, what’s the solution?

    How Lupl can help

    First and foremost, Lupl knows that a law firm’s time is always in short supply.

    That’s why we prioritize user experience, so that every legal professional can enjoy a seamless work experience, no matter the project or task. 

    Our platform is: 

    • Simple to set up: We designed Lupl to be super fast to set up and be hassle-free to integrate with. In fact, you can have the platform up and running in your firm within just one day.
    • Designed for legal professionals: That’s right, Lupl is a project management tool built specifically for the legal industry. We continually work with firms such as Cooley, CMS, Rajah & Tann, and One Essex Court to ensure that the user journey is smooth and makes sense for legal workflows.
    • Centralized and consolidated: Lupl keeps everything relevant to your matter together, in one place: all your matters, tasks, documents, legal research, and communications. 

    By choosing a non-disruptive solution, your IT team won’t have to spend hours on the phone with frustrated lawyers and paralegals, but instead will be able to focus on what you do best: spreading knowledge. 

    Suggested reading: If you want to learn more about how a centralized hub can drive success in your firm check out, CMS Customer Story: A Central Hub for Collaboration

    Seamless and Secure Knowledge Sharing

    When it comes to law firm knowledge management, relying on free tools like Google Suite may seem tempting, but they often fall short of meeting the specific needs of lawyers and legal professionals. 

    Similarly, while practice management systems (PMS) and legal project management (LPM) systems are useful for running the business and handling legal matters, they may not effectively address knowledge management challenges.

    But fear not, because Lupl is here to fill this gap and revolutionize the way you share knowledge within your legal team.

    How Lupl can help

    Lupl promotes efficient legal knowledge sharing with:

    • Pre-built Matter Templates: Lupl offers a range of pre-built matter templates, ensuring standardized processes and saving your team valuable time and effort. 
    • Custom Matter Templates: You also have the flexibility to create your own templates, delivering fresh and unique knowledge to your legal team. Transform your client and firm playbooks into custom Matter Templates to save you time and effort when starting a new matter in Lupl. Muslim Albakri, lead partner at Albakri LLC, reports that his custom templates: “Cut down learning time by more than half for the less experienced members of [the] team.” 
    • Seamless upload and sharing: Securely share documents and other important files without relying on email. We offer unlimited cloud storage across all our plans so that you can share whichever knowledge resources you need to. Plus, with our handy “Pins” feature, you can link legal research and external web pages to matters with ease.
    • Robust security measures: Your firm’s knowledge assets are a top priority. Lupl complies with SOC-2 and has end-to-end encryption in place to keep your team’s peace of mind.

    Frictionless working is at the heart of what we do, and that includes making it easy for Chief Knowledge Officers to deliver and standardize knowledge.

    Demonstrate ROI Quickly with Lupl

    It can be challenging to demonstrate ROI with something intangible like software.

    But Lupl is more than up for the challenge.

    Let’s take a moment to revisit the amazing benefits that Lupl brings to the table:

    • Seamless and secure knowledge sharing: Lupl is the ultimate hub that brings everything together in one place. It simplifies communication and collaboration and removes the hassle of juggling multiple apps and programs. Users report a reduction of email traffic in their inbox of up to 75%.
    • Easy adoption and improved efficiency: Embracing new technology can be a daunting task, but Lupl makes it a breeze. Designed with lawyers in mind, Lupl offers an easy integration process that frees up valuable time for your lawyers to focus on what they do best — delivering exceptional legal services.
    • Rapid results: Lupl can be up and running within a day. Law firms such as Rajah & Tann, have seen “adoption grow faster than anything [they’ve] experienced with any other legal technology platform.” 

    Improve your legal knowledge management today with Lupl

    Your law firm deserves a solution that provides as frictionless an experience as possible. Your firm’s operational efficiency and security are on the line — so investing the time to vet and onboard the right tool for the job is crucial.

    Book a free demo today to explore how Lupl can revolutionize your legal knowledge management and take your firm to new heights of success.

    Kalina has over 15 years of experience of marketing and client management and made her home at Lupl in 2021. She is now our Director of Growth, and is instrumental in injecting creativity into our Marketing, Sales, and Product development. You can follow her on LinkedIn here

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    1  The Orange Rag June 2022 | Legal IT Insider

    2  The Future Shape of Law Firm IT Report 2022 | Legal IT Insider

    3  How Digital Transformation Can Give Legal Firms a Competitive Edge | PwC

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